Conference: "Gender equality and the Istanbul Convention: a decade of action"
Ort: online
As many of you know, the Council of Europe is organising a digital conference in light of the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention titled “Gender equality and the Istanbul Convention: a decade of action”. The conference will be broadcast from Berlin on the 11th of May, and you can download the full programme in English below.
The first part of this conference aims to take stock of its achievements, as well as the challenges faced, and to encourage more states to ratify it.
The second part will focus on “Combating gender stereotypes and sexism: tackling the roots of gender inequality and violence against women”. This will include a discussion on the implementation of the Council of Europe’s 2019 Recommendation on preventing and combating sexism and the related campaign “Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!”.
The conference will be livestreamed on the conference website and you will not have to register to confirm your participation.
WAVE Office Network (Women Against Violence Europe) │